Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High
Backed by 30 years of social science research, Crucial Conversations® for Mastering Dialogue teaches skills for communicating when the stakes are high, opinions vary, and emotions run strong, allowing you to work through disagreement to achieve better results.
Key skills you will learn from the Training:
- Identify the conversations that are keeping you from your desired results
- Speak persuasively not abrasively, no matter the topic
- Make it safe for others to share their honest opinions
- Deal with people who either clam up or blow up
- Gain control of your own emotional responses
- Disagree without being disagreeable
- Influence without exerting force
- Improve teamwork, productivity and effectiveness
Continually selected as a Top Training Product for its ability to produce results, Crucial Conversations® Training has been used by more than one million people and 300 of the Fortune 500 companies as well as local government and private organizations, hospitals and institutes of education to improve productivity, quality of work, relationships, and overall performance.
Crucial Conversations®
in Healthcare
Crucial Conversations® skills can help to
increase patient safety, reduce medical errors,
and improve employee engagement.
Please click HERE to learn more.
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the first chapter of Crucial Conversations!
Crucial Conversations for Mastering Dialogue is currently delivered in over 32 countries and in 18 different languages. Crucial Conversations skills training is globally recognized as the key skill set required for leaders, managers and their teams to step up and hold the tough conversations well. Based on 30 years of research, Crucial Conversations for Mastering Dialogue is well grounded in human behavior fundamentals and is currently used, by more than 300 of the Fortune 500 companies, to shift from avoidance behaviors to more accountable, transparent and open communication cultures. Research has shown that Crucial Conversation for Mastering Dialogue training enables individuals to possess the skills to speak up which can resolve performance issues caused by silence and avoidance.
While many communications-training programs teach ‘what to do’, Crucial Conversations for Mastering Dialogue teaches ‘how to’ hold the tough conversation well. Crucial Conversations for Mastering Dialogue training teaches what to say while creating the psychological safety required for the best possible results. The training is less about being a better negotiator or being more assertive and is more about creating the safety necessary for two or more people to speak openly and candidly, yet professionally, compassionately and with respect about even the most difficult issues.