Crucial Conversations®
1-day Refresher Training

The Crucial Conversations® Refresher Training is a one-day course that is aimed at helping participants that have previously attended the 2-day Crucial Conversations® program to revive and refresh their knowledge of crucial principles and skills
as well as allow for ample time for skills practice.

  • Date:

    At client's request

  • Time:

    9.00am to 5.30pm

  • Venue:

    To be provided by client

  • Cost:

    $740 per person
    (based on minimum of 20 people in one class)
    Includes participant materials

    Price is subject to 7% GST.

The session will include:


    • * A review to re-ignite all the Crucial Conversations® skills learnt – “Keep the fire burning”


    • * Role-play: numerous case scenarios to practice the skills


  • * Opportunities to discuss difficulties or challenges in applying those skills


  • * What to do as a team to keep Crucial Conversations® “ablaze” in the organization


  • * Personal commitment to moving forward



Activities and methodologies:

Self-reflection, Group discussion/sharing, Role-play, Videos


If you wish to conduct this refresher course within your company, please click the button below to send us an email.