The Power of Habit™

Habits by DESIGN, Not by DEFAULT

“We first make our habits, then our habits make us.”― John Dryden


It’s the new year – a time for transformation and hope!

Many of us take this time of year to make resolutions to try to change our bad habits. But despite our best intentions and willpower, we encounter many triggers that leave us falling back and those bad habits haunt us for yet another year.

Our inability to change our habits, however, affects not just us personally, but our loved ones, our colleagues, our organization, our community.

Research shows that the most important factor affecting a team’s ability to meet project deadlines or adapt to changes isn’t the good luck, natural talent, intelligence or even decision-making of the members — it’s their HABITS.

So whether you are in a Government Agency or a School, helping employees change simple routine behaviors can help them, their teams and your organization become more agile, adaptable and successful.

Simple Shifts, Real Results.

Join us for a complimentary one-hour webinar for a preview of The Power of Habit™, a powerful program based on the bestseller by Charles Duhigg. Discover how this program has helped individuals and organizations solve problems related to performance, engagement, leadership development, agility, and more.

Tuesday 2 February 2021
10.00 – 11.00am

Delivery via Zoom

In 60-minutes, you’ll learn:

  • How habit loops work

  • Why habits disproportionately impact performance, engagement, and happiness

  • How aligning an individual’s workplace habits with goals and values can transform and make teams more agile, resilient and successful

  • How leading organizations and schools have leveraged habit change to dramatically improve results

  • To register for the webinar,
    call 6384 3348
    or email with your name, designation and organization
    Registration closes on 28 January 2021.


True North reserves the right to refuse registrations from independent trainers and consultants.